What does the Bautzen district offer employees?
Job-seekers in the state capital Dresden can look around in the Bautzen district – and vice versa. The two regions work closely together on the “Wachstumsregion Dresden” (Dresden, a fast-growing region) online portal, which lists the latest job advertisements, training placements etc. and is also used by the Bautzen district authorities.
Every year, straight after Christmas, the Bautzen district authorities organise the highly popular "wiederda" ("back again") regional fair for returnees. This date was chosen especially because many people return to their old homeland after the Christmas holidays to visit relatives.
Both "Wachstumsregion Dresden" and "Servicestelle Heimat", the central points of contact for people interested in returning to the Bautzen district, are for everyone, including people who were not born in the region: after all, you soon feel at home here, anyway.